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“We love because God first loved us.” – 1 John 4:19.

Motivated by God’s love, seen most clearly in the example of Jesus Christ, Anglicare is here to support your church as you meet the physical, social, spiritual and emotional needs of your local community… and that’s what an Anglicare Church Partnership is all about!

There are so many ways that Anglicare may be able to help you grow your ministry, as you encourage your church family to share the love of Jesus – in word and deed – with your local community.

There are also opportunities for you to partner with Anglicare and other nearby churches to meet unmet needs in your community. Even if the service you need doesn’t exist or isn’t currently available in your region.

And who knows… if the need is shared by other Anglican churches, then your ministry initiative might also act as a pilot program and birth an entirely new Anglicare service for people across our beautiful city.

Contact your Partnership Development Officer today to enquire about your Church Partnership opportunities.

Host a Mobile Community Pantry


The Mobile Community Pantry is one of those services that God breathed into being through Church Partnership... and grew into the popular Anglicare service we can offer you today.

Mobile Community Pantry provides low-cost grocery items to help families who are doing it tough. A van stocked with quality and affordable food items will visit your church once a fortnight.

Starting a food ministry that provides practical support for people in need is a great way to reach out to your community with the love of Jesus. It also opens the door for those you serve to connect in with your congregation and come along to other church activities.

Support an Anglicare Chaplain

We are all made in God’s image: we are loved, valued and worthy of care. We are also made to be in a relationship with God our Creator and with one another… and that’s where your Anglicare Chaplains come in!

Your chaplains and pastoral carers minister to Anglicare clients and residents, as well as members of your community who might otherwise struggle to attend church. They form groups where people can come together in worship, study the Bible, pray and enjoy fellowship. They also provide friendship and one-on-one spiritual support for people and their families.

Your church can partner with Anglicare’s chaplaincy ministry in a number of ways.

You may like to support an individual chaplain in their local mission field through faithful prayer. You can also support a chaplain with loving financial help. There may even be opportunities for you to support a chaplain through the donation of ministry supplies. All these supports allow your church family to form a relationship with an Anglicare Chaplain, who can give to your ministry in return with deputations.

Alternatively, your church can support Anglicare’s Chaplaincy ministry by volunteering alongside one of the following teams or Chaplains.


Hospital and mental health chaplains
These compassionate people generally work with teams of chaplains from other denominations and faiths. They embody the love of Christ to those that they encounter, offering comfort to patients and their loved ones through illness, grief, loss and difficult times of challenge and change.
Justice chaplains
These loving people have a unique opportunity to promote and proclaim the gospel in correctional centres, juvenile justice centres and the police force. Justice chaplains might minister to a prisoner who has lost all hope that anyone can still love them, a prison warden who is supporting his wife through cancer, or the police officer who
experienced a traumatic incident. Their ministry involves listening, building trust, faithful prayer and the wisdom of knowing when to share about Jesus Christ.
Residential aged care home chaplains
These kind people ensure the pastoral care of residents and their families. They visit regularly, providing a variety of pastoral care events, including a weekly church service. The chaplains (a combination of Ordained and Licensed Lay Anglican ministers) are supported by pastoral carers.
Retirement village chaplains
These caring people are an important part of Anglicare’s bustling retirement villages and offer support to staff, residents and their families. They help to facilitate vibrant communities of Christian fellowship and ministry, in partnership with the local Anglican parishes of each Anglicare retirement village.
Anglicare At Home Pastoral Carers
This hardworking team provides ongoing pastoral care, visiting older Anglicare clients in their own homes. This service is free of charge, no matter the client’s religion or background.

Run an English class

Anglicare can train your church to provide English lessons. They are a practical way for your church family to engage lovingly with immigrants and refugees in your community.

Love kids in foster care

As any loving Anglicare foster carer will tell you… it takes a village to raise a child. So, while the decision to foster sits with the individual carer or family, there are many things your “village” can do to help them on their journey.

“You don’t have to be an expert to be a good foster carer. And with Anglicare’s help, you don’t have to do it all on your own.”
Sharon, Anglicare foster carer

Anglicare is here to assist your church community to lovingly support its foster families as they sow into young lives.

If you think people in your congregation might be ready to open their hearts to child or teenager who needs a loving home, host an information session.

Volunteer and fundraise

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There are opportunities for people to grow more like Christ as they give of their time and talents in Anglicare’s residential aged care homes, Op Shops and other programs.


Raise vital funds and support Anglicare’s loving ministry in your community. Or fundraise for your own Community Care Program. Get in touch to ask us more.

Enquire now

Anglicare acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the original and ongoing custodians of the lands and waters on which we live and work.

Inspired by the gospel of reconciliation in Jesus Christ, Anglicare's vision for reconciliation is a nation in which Australia's First Peoples are restored in dignity, respect, empowerment and opportunity..