Everyone has a right to feel safe. Especially in their own home. But if your partner or someone else you live with uses power and control to intimidate you and give you fear, you could be experiencing domestic violence.
Domestic violence can involve a range of controlling behaviours, some of which may be harder to spot because they don’t involve obvious physical abuse.
Anglicare takes matters of domestic violence very seriously.
If you think you (or someone you love) could be experiencing domestic violence, or you have concerns for your safety, help is available. Contact Anglicare Counselling on 1300 651 728 to book your confidential appointment today.
Living with someone who is abusive and violent can feel like walking on eggshells. If you are unsure whether what you or your loved one is experiencing is domestic violence, here are some common signs.
If you are living with domestic violence, it’s important that you remember that it is not your fault. Leaving a situation like this can be hard, especially when you are being controlled. You are not to blame for someone else’s behaviour.
The road to recovery from domestic abuse is not easy or straight-forward and there are many obstacles that can hinder your progress along the way. But if you want to begin that journey today, help is available for you.
An Australian Guide for Christian Women Survivors of Domestic Abuse. Constructive help, hope and encouragement as you seek to build a better life.
A free copy is available for survivors by contacting us at renew@anglicare.org.au
Are you concerned about your behaviour and the impact it is having on your family? It takes a great deal of strength to acknowledge that we are hurting the people we love. Anglicare can help you become the safe and supportive partner and father you really want to be.
REBUILD is an accredited men’s behaviour change program. It offers your family members a range of supports, as well as teaching you skills that will help you have healthy and safe relationships them… all in a supportive and caring environment.
REBUILD is a program for men who:
REBUILD is registered with NSW Department of Communities and Justice and is an accredited men’s behaviour change program. It is available at Anglicare’s Nowra, Ulladulla and Parramatta offices.