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Ministry of Mercy for Refugees

Ready to Serve

The Ministry of Mercy for Refugees at Liverpool South Anglican Church (LSAC) aims to serve vulnerable people in the community through providing immediate supplies of groceries and toiletries, in partnership with Anglicare.

Lurnea is an economically disadvantaged suburb and care for vulnerable refugees is either limited or non-existent. This is where LSAC has stepped in to be the hands, eyes, feet and heart of our role model and Lord, Jesus Christ.

According to the 2016 Census, in Liverpool LGA, 31.1% of people were born in Australia. Of those born overseas, the most common countries of birth were Iraq 10.9%, India 6.4%, Fiji 2.9%, Vietnam 2.5% and Croatia 2.4%.

LSAC has been involved in caring for refugees and asylum seekers since January 2009. Over the years, the scope of the ministry has widened to include victims of domestic violence, people suffering from post-traumatic stress, intellectually disabled refugees, and families who have members in or just released from prison.

A View for the Future

With the support of Anglicare, LSAC provides immediate support in the short-term, supplying groceries and toiletries. The ministry builds on and establishes new connections with vulnerable members of the community through ESL classes, Ladies Craft and Friendship Group and the food pantry. In the long term, there are plans to start an Easy English Bible Study and an Easy English Church Service.

Please pray for God’s wisdom and guidance as LSAC seeks to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the vulnerable and disadvantaged in their community. Pray also for more volunteers to be trained up to serve this ministry.

Key Facts:

  • The project is in contact with 40 Families
  • 15-20 students come to weekly English classes run by the church
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