Over the two days and six nights per week it is open, the Rough Edges cafe serves up to 100 people who are disadvantaged, homeless or at risk of homelessness every day. Relying on donations from local businesses and restaurants, Rough Edges provides food, a safe lounge-room style environment, television and games. Hospitality and relationships with patrons are at the heart of the vision of Rough Edges. Over 100 volunteers ensure that Rough Edges can remain open.
During daytime sessions, the cafe doubles as a waiting room for Community Assistance and Partnership Program (CAPP) services, which provide 40-minute appointments for legal advice, counselling, financial and practical assistance. While they wait, clients can have a coffee, something to eat and a chat with Rough Edges volunteers.
Collaborating with other organisations to provide services and workshops for patrons is a big part of Rough Edge’s mission:
CAPP also collects and distributes resources to alleviate financial and material stress. CAPP workers collaborate with other agencies to build stronger connections with schools, businesses, the church and other organisations with shared goals.